Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Andrew Kelly

Andrew Kelly
Dublin, Ireland
things you oversee, things that follow you

When I asked Andrew about himself and his work, he wrote the following:

My name is Andrew Kelly, I'm from Dublin in Ireland. I started taking pictures about a year or 2 ago, because there were all these stupid little things I'd see when I was out walking and I wished I could record them somehow. I'm a bit more serious about it now, I suppose, but mostly its still just about that: capturing interesting things and moments I come across. I'm not terribly good at this (yet) and I often fail to capture what I want, but its one of those things that I find it's worth trying and trying again to do, no matter how many times you mess it up. And I haven't found too many other things I felt that way about.

He also said that he doesn't consider himself an "artist" as such, but continued:

I love art, especially photography, but I'm usually more interested in other peoples pictures than I am in mine (I have a blog thing, where I post other peoples photos that I like).

His gallery is a remarkable collection of all the things one sees on the street and wants to collect in one's memory, but often might easily forget. Most of the pictures give the feeling of taking a break while walking on the street and taking the time for a closer look at the details of everyday life. Be sure to take a look at his flickr and blog!

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