Monday, 15 July 2013

no winter lasts forever

... in fact, it's mid-July, so practically, it's already summer! 

It's been a very long break for milkwithtea. Interviews stopped, the little magazine promised patiently waited to be published online, and lots of emails are waiting for a reply. I am very sorry for this absence but believe me, it wasn't due to lack of concern! Real life work just took the overhand, like it so often does. Thank you kindly for your patience.

So here's to a new start:

The magazine, which had been ready already by March 2013 (you will notice by its date!) finally is online. There is also a new page entitled "milkwithtea magazine", where you will be able to access the first and upcoming magazine volumes from now on. But let's share the humble little zine here as well, shall we? Each artist is featured with three photos from his or her work, each set of three pictures is followed by the artist's name and -if available- contact details.

Finally, I would like to call for new submissions. We need new interviews and features of course. We gotta get back to business!

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