Sunday 6 February 2011

Brittany Held

Brittany Held
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Your photos on flickr, and especially your latest uploads taken on winter walks, convey the impression that you have a set vision on what you would like to present. How would you define your interests yourself?

I usually work on multiple photography projects simultaneously and I frequently invent new ideas, which change the direction of my current projects. However, I do anticipate working on these projects throughout the year:

Winter Walks – Wondering, exploring, and discovering. The little joys of walks in winter.

Interplay – The contrast of, and interplay between, industry and nature. This project explores various realms where man-made structures and natural formations interact.

Travelling Feet – The terrain from my travels in 2011. Where will these feet take me?

In addition, I want to experiment more with film photography. Each individual photograph seems intensely significant with film, and I often feel that film can better represent the enduring power of a photograph to express a thought, a moment, or an idea.

For instance, outdoor photography plays a big role in your body of work. What do you enjoy most about it?

I am a scientist by day so I am stuck in a laboratory for many hours. By the end of the day, I cannot wait to escape into the outdoors, whether it is into nature or into a city. I cherish the freedom associated with open spaces. Moreover, I am extremely inspired by exploring new places.

You write that you love ruins. For you, what make ruins interesting as a photographic motive/object?

Since moving to New Mexico, the allure and magic inherent to the state has been a predominant influence for much of my photography. And, for me, ruins are a large part of that allure. Photographing ruins is like photographing the ancient past. It feels as if the camera’s vision penetrates through centuries, and that makes the entire process very special and exciting for me.

Do you listen to music while strolling around and shooting pictures?

I don’t normally listen to music while shooting pictures because I enjoy the beautifully subtle whispers of nature and the clamorous sounds of city life. With that being said, it could be fun to experiment with listening to music in the future.

Finally, do you ever feel that you need some space or solitude to find new inspiration?

I definitely feel that I need solitude to find new inspiration. Self-exploration is a somewhat solitary practice, and I often have more perceptive observations of the world when I am alone. I love searching for and discovering internal meanings in external details.

Promenading and watching. Take a look at her work!

1 comment:

Patti Edmon Artist said...

Brittany - your photographs are beyond amazing... I absolutely love sinking into them and immersing myself in the details. Bravo!